Saturday, May 30, 2015

Here's the house in Key West where Ernest Hemingway lived and wrote for a time. Many of the locals were acquainted with him, including my grandfather.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #keyWest #floridaKeys #florida #southFLORIDA #tropical #outdoor #WhiteheadSTREET #fisherman #hemmingway #paradise #southernmost #house #island #islandLIFE #architecture #writer #theOLDmanANDtheSEA #southernmostCITY #southernmostISLAND #southernmostPoint #southernmostTIP

Thursday, February 19, 2015

I just posted a video of this blog. Well, at least the drawing a day aspect. I included every drawing from that year in chronological order. I was honored to have the great guitarist and composer Randy Bernsen let me use his music as a soundtrack. Check it out at

An interesting part of the video are the 3 part drawings. That's where I did 3 versions of the same subject on most of the still lives and figures. To see the same subject click by with 3 different treatments is a kick. I hope you enjoy!