Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hello all, I'm now working on a book that compiles all of the drawings as well as some narrative explaining why I did this, what the year was like and what the lasting results were.

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's been a while since I posted the last drawing of the year and I've got to say that I'm reaping the benefits of the hard work. The artwork that I'm doing now is coming much easier than before I began the project. That was the point of it, to improve my skills and work habits. It's a good example of 'practice makes perfect'. Maybe not perfect but much better.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Here it is, the final drawing in my year long quest. I'm thankful nothing disrupted the journey, since we all know how life can bring unexpected challenges and obstacles. There were some challenges but fortunately nothing major. Thanks for following, I hope you enjoyed the journey!
This drawing is the Rialto Bridge replica from the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #artist #lasVEGAS #theSTRIP #venice #venitian #itay #italian #Nevada #outWEST

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Last figure drawing for the blog, it had to be in color.

#artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #figure #girl #bikini #swimsuit #model #colorPENCIL #fashion

Monday, June 24, 2013

The last still life of the blog. Two more drawings after this one. They'll also be in color.

#artwork #fineART #drawing #pencil #style #stillLIFE #creative #artist #color pencil #bottle #teapot

Sunday, June 23, 2013

South Beach lifeguard station. All the stations are very colorful down there.

#fineART #art #drawing #pencil #style #florida #southFLORIDA #tropical #outdoor #artwork #artist #paradise #southernmost #colorPENCIL #beach #lifeguardSTATION #miamiBEACH #beach

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Today starts the last five drawings for the blog. I plan to do them in color.

#fineART #art #drawing #pencil #style #keyWEST #floridaKEYS #florida #southFLORIDA #tropical #outdoor #artwork #artist #fisherman #sailfish #paradise #southernmost #colorPENCIL

Friday, June 21, 2013

My self portrait, keeping with the unconventional nature of the other portraits in this blog.

#fine art #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #artist #selfPORTRAIT 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

I guess they've had enough sun for the day.

#fineART #art #artWORK  #drawing #pencil #style #outdoor #figure #people #southBEACH #miamiBEACH #southFLORIDA #florida #people #figure #lifeguard #lifeguard station #seaOATS #beach

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Park Central Hotel on Ocean Drive, South Beach. Love the classic auto out front. The blog ends the yearlong run in one week!

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #outdoor #enter #artDECO #southBEACH #miamiBEACH #southFLORIDA #florida #hotel #oceanDRIVE #antiqueCAR #FloridaEASTcoast #DadeCOUNTY

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Patrons heading east to Ocean Drive, South Beach.

#fine art #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #outdoor #art deco #figure #south beach #miami beach #south Florida #florida #hotel #ocean drive #window #people

Monday, June 17, 2013

The mansion on Ocean Drive on South Beach.

#fine art #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #outdoor #palm tree #south beach #miami beach #south Florida #florida #hotel #palm #art deco #gate #ocean drive

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Ocean Drive observatory seen from the beach.

#fine art #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #outdoor #figure #people #south beach #miami beach #south Florida #florida #hotel #coconut #palm #tree #palm tree #coconut tree

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Strolling along Ocean Drive, South Beach.

#fineART#art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #outdoor #southBEACH #miamiBEACH #florida #southFLORIDA  #hotel #artDECO #figure #people 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Art deco feature seen on Ocean Drive, South Beach.

#fine art #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #outdoor #enter #tree #south beach #miami beach #south Florida #florida #hotel #art deco

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Last version of this pose. I kept with the creative treatment in a different.way.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #figureDRAWING #drawingSESSION #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion #avanteGARDE #creative

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Second drawing of this figure. I took a creative route on this one.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #figureDRAWING #drawingSESSION #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion #avanteGARDE #creative

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'll get back to South Beach drawings but, I'm taking a break for some figure work.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #figureDRAWING #drawingSESSION #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion

Monday, June 10, 2013

A couple enjoying brunch on South Beach.

#fine art #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #outdoor #people #tree #south beach #miami beach #south Florida #florida #hotel #palm #paradise

Sunday, June 9, 2013

This is from an out of the way place near South Beach. The underlying abstract shapes attracted me.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #outdoor #enter #southBEACH #miamiBEACH #florida #southFLORIDA #hotel #palm #window #fence # #artDECO

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Another architectural feature seen along Ocean Drive on South Beach.

#fineART#art #artwork #drawing #graphite #pencil #style #outdoor #tree #southBEACH #miamiBEACH #southFlorida #florida #hotel #palm #artDECO

Friday, June 7, 2013

I visited South Beach recently, so I'm starting a series of South Beach drawings.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #outdoor #pelican #tree #southbeach #miamiBeach #southFlorida #florida #hotel #palm #artDECO

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A portrait of my long-time friend John Stobart. John is the master painter of our time. You don't have to take my word for it, check out his website or google his paintings. Thanks John for posing and allowing me to include you in my blog!

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #style #artist #portrait #friend #johnSTOBART #masterARTIST #genius #british #pleinAIR #maritimePAINTING #BostonMASSACHUSETTS #LondonENGLAND

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The last version of this still life.

#artwork #fineART #art #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #stillLife #creative #bucket #creative

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Second version of the first June still life.

#artwork #fineART #art #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #stillLife #creative #bucket

Monday, June 3, 2013

Still life in the rotation again. The first one in June.

#artwork #fineART #art #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #stillLife #creative #bucket

Sunday, June 2, 2013

My younger brother Eddy with his latest running shoes. Before he's done with them they'll have many miles on them including a marathon.

#fineART #art #artwork #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #keyWEST #floridaKEYS #florida #southFLORIDA #portrait #figure #family 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A drawing of my older brother, Lenny. He holds one of his favorite fishing lures.

#fineART #art #artwork #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #keyWEST #MiamiFLORIDA #florida #southFLORIDA #portrait #figure #portrait #figure #family 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Impromptu meeting in the Kennedy Space Center Rocket Garden.

#artwork #fineART #art #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #kennedy #spaceCenter #space #nasa #rocket #tourists #visitors #tour #garden #program #scientists #meeting #Florida #SpaceCOAST

Thursday, May 30, 2013

This is the Space Shuttle replica at the Astronaut Hall of Fame, Kennedy Space Center.

#artwork #fineART #art #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #kennedy #spaceCenter #space #nasa #spaceCAPSULE #visitors #tour #apollo #program #palm #tree #astronaut

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rocket on display at Kennedy Space Centers' Rocket Garden.

 #artwork #fineART #art #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #kennedy #spaceCENTER #space #nasa #spaceROCKET #tourists #visitors #tour #gemini #program #palm #tree #Florida #SpaceCOAST

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I visited Kennedy Space Center recently.

 #artwork #fineART #art #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #kennedy #spaceCENTER #space #nasa #spaceROCKET #tourists #visitors #tour #gemini #program #palm #tree #Florida #SpaceCOAST #stairs #palm

Monday, May 27, 2013

The last of three versions of this pose. Back to a more realistic approach.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Second day of this figure pose. I turned up the creativity on this one.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Back to figure drawing. Here's the first of three versions of this pose.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion

Friday, May 24, 2013

I couldn't do this one straight, I had to make it a creative fantasy. It's Harley Las Vegas.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada #theSTRIP #gambling #slots #Harley

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Almost to Hoover/Boulder Dam. The abstract shapes make this drawing. Those are the supports for the dam bypass.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada #theSTRIP  #gambling #slots #desert #outWEST #hooverDAM #boulderDAM #outdoor #road #onTHEroad #roadTRIP #travel #desert #car #mountain

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Another visit to the Freemont district characters in Las Vegas.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada  #theSTRIP #gambling #slots #freemontDISTRICT #kiss #gene SIMMONS #buskers #busking #guitar #impersonator #showBIZ #elvis

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Heading east to the Las Vegas Strip.

#fineART #artwork #art #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #gambling #slots #lasVegas #outWEST #theSTRAT

Monday, May 20, 2013

Last version of this setup then back to more Las Vegas drawings. Follow me on twitter. Lookup Lester_Salazar_.

#artwork #fineART #art #artist #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #stillLife #creative

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Second day of this still life setup with a different styling.

#artwork #fineART #drawing #pencil #style #still life #creative #artist

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A still life again. The first of three of this setup.

#artwork #fine art #drawing #pencil #style #still life #creative #artist

Friday, May 17, 2013

Did a some traveling lately, so might as well draw the bird itself.

#fineART #artwork #art #drawing #artist #pencil #graphite #style #aircraft #jetliner #airTRAVEL #outdoor #airport #tarmac

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My friend Max and the Griffin at Ceasars shops in Las Vegas.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada #theSTRIP #gambling #slots #ceasarsPALACE #shop #griffin #portrait #figure #mythology

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One of the Jesters atop Harrahs in Las Vegas.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada  #theSTRIP #gambling #slots #harrahs #jester #ornate

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I couldn't pass up Paris in Las Vegas, could I?

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada  #theSTRIP #gambling #slots #paris #palm #tree

Monday, May 13, 2013

Back to the Las Vegas drawings. Here are some characters from the old Fremont district.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada  #theSTRIP #gambling #slots #freemont #district #kiss #geneSIMMONS #buskers #busking #guitar #impersonator #showBIZ #CELEBRITYimpersonator #cigar #pregnant #weddingVAIL #Bride

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The last version of this pose then it's back to Las Vegas drawings.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #figureDRAWING #drawingSESSION #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Second version of this pose.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #figureDRAWING #drawingSESSION #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion

Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm taking a break from the Las Vegas drawings to do 3 versions of this figure. I'll get back to Vegas when they're done.

#fineART #artist #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #figure #girl #figureDRAWING #drawingSESSION #bikini #swimsuit #model #fashion

Thursday, May 9, 2013

One of the more recognizable icons of Las Vegas, the Luxor Sphinx.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada  #theSTRIP #Luxor #palm #tree #sphinx #gambling #slots

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Showgirls roaming the Las Vegas Strip.

#fineART #art #artwork #drawing #pencil #graphite #style #artist #lasVEGAS #Nevada  #theSTRIP #gambling #slots #hilton #MGM #grand #girls #showgirls